
Seniors find work as bus drivers

Hints from Heloise

Dear Heloise: School bus companies are often looking for drivers and attendants, which can serve as employment for senior citizens. Here are some reasons to consider:

1. “They’ll discriminate against me because of my age.” My wife and I drive for a school bus contractor; we’re both 77, and our oldest driver was 92 when his health began to change and he finally retired.

2. “I’ve never driven anything bigger than a passenger car.” Most companies provide paid training through commercial driver’s license, air brake, passenger or school bus endorsements.

3. You’ll be paid for your DOT (Department of Transportation) annual medical exam. Careful scheduling will put your Medicare wellness check on the opposite month from your DOT physical.

4. “I don’t want a full time job.” Drivers and attendants only work part-time with a guaranteed two-hour a.m. route and a guaranteed two-hour p.m. route. Many companies have charter operations where you can work more hours if you wish. However, you do not have to take charters or overnight assignments.

5. The students will keep you feeling much younger than you are. — G. and R., Bozeman, Montana



Dear Readers: If you love to top off pies or cover cakes with whipped cream, here are some ideas to make it even tastier:

To jazz up the whipped cream, add a sprinkle of nutmeg, cinnamon or allspice to it. Or you can add a drop of vanilla extract and sugar to taste. — Heloise

Starting at $4.38/week.

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