What to bring to a grieving family
Hints from Heloise
Dear Heloise: It is customary, particularly in small communities, to take food to a family who recently had a loved one pass away. I have another suggestion to add onto this:
Also take paper goods, such as toilet paper, paper plates and cups, as well as disposable silverware. This will make it easier for the family to deal with visitors. Ice and garbage bags are useful, too. We often don’t think of these things, but they are really appreciated.
I read your column every day in the Republican-American, which is published in Waterbury, Connecticut. — Carolyn McDonough, Canaan, Connecticut
Dear Readers: Regarding gift cards, it’s best to buy them directly from the retailer, not from an unknown site. Check the card before purchasing them to make sure that the codes on the back of the card have not been scratched off to show the PIN number.
Make sure to also read the gift card’s fine print. Know the terms and conditions. Is there an expiration date? Are there fees to use the card? Are there fees if the card is not used by a certain period of time?
For more info on identifying or avoiding gift card scams, you can contact the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). — Heloise