Check your car lights monthly
Dear Heloise: Please check your automobile’s lights monthly. Ask another person to stand in front of and behind your vehicle(s) to ensure that all the lights and blinkers are functioning properly.
A while back, I was about to merge onto the highway, but as I advanced, I noticed a woman in the car to my left scowling at me. I didn’t understand why she gave me such a nasty look until I moved ahead. It was then that I noticed her front turn signal was on. But she did not realize her rear turn signal wasn’t working, and she assumed that I was just being rude by preventing her access into the lane I was in!
Please remember that on most cars, when the blinker clicks faster than usual, it is because one of the lights is burned out. This might prevent a case of “road rage.” — D.G., in California
Dear Heloise: Lately, I’ve seen a few letters in your column about how to make traveling a bit more easy and comfortable. Well, I travel alone most of the time for my job, and a woman alone on the road needs to be extra careful. So, here are a few of my own hints for women who also spend time alone on the road. I hope these hints will keep them safe and make traveling a little easier:
— Bring a doorstop with you. Wedge it under the door on the inside of the room. You might also want to pack a door alarm in case anyone tries to enter your room without your permission.
— Carry a whistle or a personal alarm. A personal alarm can usually be attached to your purse or detail bag.
— Never (and I do mean never) share anything on social media in real time. No location tags either. Before you leave, tell family and trusted friends where you’ll be and when you expect to return.
— You might have a GPS or compass in your car, but it never hurts to have a paper map of where you’re going. Put it in the storage compartment in the car door, glovebox or center console. This is especially important if you are walking or hiking.
— Pack as light as you can. However, always have a small flashlight, a power strip, a reusable shopping bag, a small first aid kit, and a reusable water bottle in your car or suitcase. None of these items have to be full-sized since most manufacturers make smaller versions of these items. Have them on hand for your protection.
— If you get a gut feeling that someplace isn’t safe or something seems off, then leave. This little voice in your head just might save your life someday. — A.M., in Dallas