It has become fashionable to embrace things and activities that are from a former era. In other words, “old” is now the new “new.”
This is great news for people like me, who never threw out those bellbottoms that young hipsters are currently wearing in order to appear hip. They ...
NEW ULM – The New Ulm Film Society enters the First World War with a screening of “A Farewell to Arms.”
The screening begins 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 11 at the New Ulm Library. This is the fifth film in the film society’s America and War series.
“A Farewell to Arms” is based on ...
Western Minnesota runs on reliable energy and the infrastructure that moves it. From heating homes to powering farms, pipelines keep this region running. Yet every time a new project is proposed, we get the same tired opposition from people who ignore how critical they are for jobs, economic ...
Just two years ago, Minnesota had a historic surplus of nearly $19 billion. Yet instead of using that windfall to deliver lasting relief to the taxpayers who helped create it, DFL legislators pushed through a massive spending spree and introduced a host of new taxes.
Today, our state faces a ...
The word “fraud” has been thrown around lately, especially in connection with child care in Minnesota. It’s important to remember, this is an old and familiar tactic. Cry fraud, then use the cry of fraud to discredit a program. The goal being to defund the program.
With the current ...
In 2015, a graduating high school student gave an impactful commencement speech that succinctly illuminated to me what is wrong with today’s conversations. She stated that we all need to “listen for the sake of listening.” All too often, people listen only as a means to wait for an ...