I had never been to a Rotary Club meeting, so I didn’t know what to expect.
What do Rotarians even do?
Are they obsessed with switching around the tires on their cars?
Do they track Earth’s spin on its axis?
Mike Lamb, editor of the Marshall Independent newspaper, recently invited ...
Timing is everything – that’s a familiar quip we’ve all heard. And with colon cancer screening, timing is vital. While colorectal cancer leads to 52,000 deaths each year, it’s among the most treatable cancers when caught early.
Colorectal cancer is common with more than 150,000 new ...
One emotion that we hope to experience rarely is fear. Fear should not be confused with anxiety or stress.
Anxiety is what you feel when faced with a possible, imagined, anticipated, future threat. Maybe a policeman behind you turns on his lights and siren. His actions may have,nothing to do ...
This winter hasn’t been too bad in our neck of the woods. We have little to complain about, but that won’t stop us from doing so.
It’s not as if winter hasn’t left a mark. It has. We recently endured levels of subzero cold that are often associated with the formation of vast areas ...
When we think of Eating Disorders we typically think of females. Depending on the study, about
90 percent of people with an eating disorder are women or girls. What is not mentioned or is ignored is that about 10 percent of people with eating disorders are males. There was a study that showed ...
It had been quite a while since I last attended a winter farm show, and it felt like I was long overdue. The only problem with going to a winter farm show is the “winter” part. It’s unfailingly cold in this neck of the woods when those particular events are held, but duh, it’s ...