

Jealousy within the home

Dear Annie: I have been with my partner for nearly three years. He is a loving, caring man. He came out of a 30-year marriage and is separated but not divorced yet, which is bothering me, even though I know he doesn’t want to go back to his ex. Anyway, he has two kids living with him: his ...

What’s the scoop on cashews?

Dear Heloise: I love cashews and could eat them every day, but my wife feels that they are too fattening. I think these nuts must have some nutritional value besides being so creamy-tasting. My wife said they’re high in fat and bad for my health. So, what’s the “scoop” on cashews? -- ...

Melon mania

I was motoring along, minding my own business, when something at the roadside caught my eye. My gaze was drawn inexorably to a set of voluptuous orbs that glistened in the sun like seals lazing on a beach. I pulled over to get a closer look. They were even more alluring up close. No one was ...

Grief can’t be rushed

Dear Annie: I miss the days when society’s rules gave people the “right” to grieve for a year. I wanted to respond to the friend who felt that a grandmother grieving for 10 months is prolonged grief; it’s not. As a bereaved mom, I lost many “friends” who felt this way, who just ...

Generous gift left unused

Dear Annie: I’m close to my nephews, one of whom recently married. The year before the wedding, during its planning, I told the couple that I would like to gift them their honeymoon to their choice destination, Greece, as their wedding present. They were thrilled. I gave them a check several ...

Keeping up with maintenance

Well it seems like the wild fires on Maui are under control at last, after leaving a trail of devastation and a death toll last reported at 111 but almost certainly higher. This is the deadliest U.S. wild fire since Minnesota’s Cloquet Fire of 1918 which burned for four days and claimed ...