

Toddler time

There’s something about having a toddler around for a few days that makes you feel young again. My wife and I recently hosted our toddler grandson, whom she has decreed the Cutest Little Boy in the World, for a weekend. He brought along his parents to serve as his driver, valet, chef, ...

Turn on headlights in bad weather

Dear Heloise: I’d like to add on to what Kathy A., in Fresno, California, recommended regarding turning on headlights during inclement weather. Not only do the headlights illuminate the road better, activating the headlights also turns on the rear lights, whereas they usually remain off when ...

Hearing aids for aging husband

Dear Annie: I’m sure many of your readers have experienced what I am dealing with now, and that is an aging husband who is hard of hearing. He has hearing aids but says they don’t help much. It’s hard to carry on a conversation with him because, as a soft speaker, I really have to exert ...

Hints from Heloise: Cleaning pesky plastic containers

Dear Readers: Plastic containers are so useful for storing everything in a refrigerator, but they can retain a smell. To get rid of it, fill the containers with half household vinegar and half water. Soak overnight. Then, rinse well with hot, soapy water and air-dry. Store containers with ...

Dear Annie: Perturbed by husband’s hidden pictures

Dear Annie: My husband and I are very open and trusting with one another. However, I noticed he has recently been more cautious about me looking at his phone screen while he’s using it. It seems he’s always trying to close a window and lock his phone whenever I walk into the room. So, I ...

Google at times takes the fun out of information searches

Google has forever changed the process of seeking information, forever altered how we search out facts. Whether or not it’s better now all depends on the situation. It depends on what someone looks for. It also comes down to how they want to seek out material. A generation ago we had a ...