One of the hardest things to imagine about our system of justice is how stringently the rules must be applied. In the U.S. criminal justice system, the defendants are considered innocent until the state can prove them guilty, and the burden of proof can be burdensome.
There are rules for ...
The Minnesota Legislature was cutting it close, as usual, on Wednesday. While most of the state’s budget bills have been passed and signed, legislators were still working on an education funding bill that will pump $1.2 billion more into the state’s classrooms over the next four years. This ...
Critical Race Theory, or CRT, has become the latest point of contention in our particularly contentious society.
Conservatives and liberals argue about what it is, and what it is going to do to our country. Conservatives feel it is a wild-eyed, marxist condemnation of White people as racists ...
The agreement Minnesota legislators reached on the public safety budget bill over the weekend contains some police reforms, but not enough for those pressing for changes in the way police interact with the public.
The agreement contains regulation of no-knock warrants, creating a police ...
The Minnesota legislative special session seems on its way to finish work on the state budget bills before the July 1 government shutdown date. Legislative leaders announced an agreement on the last contentious issue, the police accountability measures included in the public safety bill. ...
A fair sentence
THUMBS UP: Derek Chauvin, the ex-Minneapolis police officer convicted of killing George Floyd on May 25, 2020, was sentenced to 22 1/2 years in prison on Friday. It was an upward departture from the state sentencing guidelines, and the longest sentence handed down to a police ...