

Playing hardball on vehicle emissions

Republicans in the Minnesota Senate have decided to play hardball on the issue of auto emission standards in the state. Hardball is the only game available to them, unfortunately. Republicans are willing to shut down the state parks, indeed, much of of the state’s environmental ...

Auditor/Treasurer clarification

Recently, we wrote about the issue of converting the office of the Brown County Auditor/Treasurer from an elected position to an appointed position. We said that if Brown County Commissioners pass it, it would go to a referendum. That is not quite right. If the commissioners pass a resolution ...

Two weeks to go for Legislature

The Minnesota Legislature has about two weeks left in its current session. The DFL-controlled House and Republican-controlled Senate have been looking for compromises to reconcile their budget proposals. Will they be able to bridge the gap in time? If recent history is any indication, no, ...

Afghanistan had better be ready to stand alone

In October 2001, following the horrific 9/11 terrorist attack on the U.S., American military forces invade Afghanistan to overthrow the Taliban regime that had harbored the Al-Qaida organization responsible for the attack. Our goal was not just to punish the Taliban, but to establish a free, ...

Thumbs Up/Down

That was no joke Thumbs Down: So, a mosque in Moorhead was found vandalized on Sunday. Someone had spray painted the Moorhead Fargo Islamic Community Center with a swastika and phrases such as “Death to Islam.” An alert Walmart employee checked records of spray paint sales, and in ...

Nothing that more money can’t fix

President Joe Biden presented to a joint session of Congress Wednesday his “Blueprint to Rebuild America.” Biden’s natural optimism came to the fore as he talked about the crises we are emerging from, and the opportunity we have to transform America and the role the government ...