

A close shave

Every vote counts in political elections, and every person counted matters when it comes to the U.S.Census. That was shown this week when Minnesota kept its 8th seat in the House of Representatives by just 89 people counted in the Census, putting us ahead of New York State. On Tuesday, ...

Easing up on mask wearing outside

The CDC issued some welcome news for people trying to live with the COVID-19 pandemic. People who are fully vaccinated don’t have to wear face masks outside, unless they are in a big crowd of strangers. People, vaccinated or not, do not have to wear masks outdoors if you are walking, biking ...

Minnesota’s 8 seats safe for 10 more years

Minnesotans can breathe a sigh of relief today. The U.S. Census Bureau announced its allocation of seats in the House of Representatives on Monday, based on population counted in the 2020 Census. Minnesota will retain its eight seats, getting the last available seat by edging out New York ...

Time to consider change in auditor- treasurer selection

The Brown County Board of Commissioners will be taking up the idea of converting the county’s Auditor-Treasurer position from an elected position to an appointed position. This is a fairly common step taken by counties around the state. About half the counties in Minnesota have changed ...

Thumbs Up/Down

We’ll take it THUMBS UP: Hardly a day goes by where we don’t get some press release from an organization that has mined some data and is ready to proclaim your city or state is the best town in the U.S. for ice cream consumption, or for buying car insurance or for whatever the product or ...

Environmental plastics cleanup

Just in time for Earth Day, the Associated Press carried a story Thursday about a crew of people who returned from a three week cleanup effort in the northernmost islands of the Hawaiian archipelago. The group spent their time working at the Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument, 1,300 ...