To the editor:
Why aren’t there any Musk signs strewn about the lawns or flags flying faded and torn from the flag poles and decks across outstate Minnesota? It’s a rhetorical question. I know why. And that begs the follow-up question: What is Elon Musk doing in the White House?
A ...
Give Brad a call, let him know he works for us
To the editor:
Our country is seeing unprecedented and unchecked changes to our government at the presidential level of government that could put our entire Democracy in Peril.
I have written our First Congressional District Representative, ...
To the editor:
Since Minnesota lawmakers fail to report and do their jobs as elected to do, all members should be stripped of paychecks and all monies from the taxpayers until they do show up to work. In the real world, any employee who fails to report to work to do their job is fired ...
To the editor:
As the President has repeatedly whined about the witch hunts that have plagued him since his trip down the golden escalator, I’ve done a little checking.
From 1973-2016 he and his businesses have been involved in over 4,000 legal cases in U.S. federal and state courts, ...
To the editor:
Insurance ads are ridiculous and obnoxious and all carriers advertise on every cable channel day and night which has to cost a lot of money. Why spend a fortune doing this? Is it for a tax write-off? All these companies turn around and raise all insurance premiums greatly again ...
To the editor:
The right’s propaganda machine has been indoctrinating its supporters with its buzz-words and acronyms to set those people’s teeth on edge whenever they hear them. I recently saw a post stating that the right purposely references its perceived grievances with acronyms such ...