We are still free, right? To mask or not
To the editor:
I am writing this letter about facemasks in school and the covid EUA drug. There are two sides to these topics. The most publicized one is everyone has to wear a mask to stop this virus and everyone has to take the shot. These arguments are based on what the experts opinions say.
The other argument is it should be a choice. That is also based on the much less publicized opinions of other experts. The mainstream media and big tech companies seem to not have equal information for both sides. It should be equal coverage for the best information for each person to do their own assessments.
Dr. Krikava stated in her letter that masks do this and that. I have seen rebuttal that states masks do very little if anything.
As for the vaccine, we as a country, were told if you get the vaccine, you won’t have to mask up or would not get the covid. Now it’s not the case.
I have heard reports of adverse reactions to the vaccine and how masks affect children.
Can anyone tell me or the population what the long term effects of the vaccine or forcing kids to wear a mask for 8 plus hours a day would be?
The truth about this cannot be given because there is absolutely no scientific evidence on these effects because this has only been being studied for a very short time. Good or bad, we can’t tell at this time.
As far as I’m concerned, each of these should be a choice, not forced by any government body or business.
Do not force kids or adults to cover their faces, get tested or shots with mandates. This is personal and parental choice.
If you want to or have your kids wear a mask, get tested, or get a shot, by all means, go ahead. If you don’t want to, don’t.
We are still free, right?
Gary Geiger