To the editor:
I remember the Vietnam War. Thankfully I never had to serve in Vietnam, but had an uncle and cousin who did. I watched the news coverage and never really understood what we were doing there. I also never understood how the biggest military in the world couldn’t just drop a few of the big ones and then ask North Vietnam if they would like to continue. My Dad served in Korea, and the same goes there. I also remember the dismal withdrawal from Vietnam. The equipment left behind, and who knows, maybe even “missing in action personnel.”
Fast forward to 2021. Have we learned nothing in almost 50 years? No, Biden didn’t start this foolishness, but it was clearly his decision to end it. That much he deserves credit for. But if anyone out there thinks our military couldn’t figure out a way to depart with every single piece of our equipment AND those that helped us while we were there, you’re either an idiot or a fool. Biden ordered our military to leave it behind and NOT destroy it in the process. If you think the largest, best equipped, best funded, military couldn’t figure out how to get it done, you are wrong. I have ideas on why he did that. You’ll have to come to your own conclusions why Biden might want to leave fully functional equipment behind.
Biden and his inept administration owns this disaster. I’m waiting for the media to somehow blame it on Trump. Not going to happen. We have an ongoing disaster at the Mexican border. Serious inflation is underway. Countless disasters elsewhere. Welcome to the Biden reality. And we’re only 6 months into the game. We have 3 1/2 years to find out how much more can go wrong. Unless Biden dies from dementia. In which case his successor will be worse. Buckle up patsies, it’s going to be a rough ride.
Paul Platz