
The narrative is being controlled

To the editor:

To my Friends and Neighbors,

Thank you for the amazing town that we have been welcomed into, coming from the Greater Washington DC area in late April of this year.

Two months prior to the election I was brought in to meet with a group of people for 2 to 2 1/2 hours every afternoon to examine raw intel on possible election fraud. I had already been privy to the fake and hollow impeachment trials of the Democratic House against the sitting president. I understand that not everyone likes a president! There are ways and means to deal with this – But never, never make up lies and bear false evidence to bring someone down, NEVER! Last I knew lying and bearing false witness were ranked in the top 10 God gave Moses on the slopes of Mt. Sinai!

Into the whole election debacle the COVID virus slipped into the narrative and spread its evil tentacles world wide, igniting fear, chaos, and an upset to life in ways I had never seen in my 72 years of life. The symbol that proved we were hooked by the narrative was implementation of the face mask. How can these masks protect you from microscopic bacteria? Most common bacteria are about 1 to 2 microns in diameter and 5 to 10 microns long. A micron is one millionth of a meter, or 1/10,000th of a centimeter. The human eye is amazing. Still, unaided, the smallest objects our eyes can see are about 100 microns long.

I am not a scientist, I am not a doctor, but one thing that became increasingly evident: TRUTH WAS NO LONGER THE FOUNDATION OF THE PLAYING FIELD!

My Linkedln page – Dan Moody, contains the most damning evidence I have seen regarding the virus. I was banned from Twitter two months before the President for just raising cautions on both the election integrity and the emergence of COVID!

Linkedin: Dan Moody-Where can we go? To whom can we turn? I can testify from first-hand experience the narratives have been controlled and when that happens our nation is in serious danger!!

Dan Moody

New Ulm

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