
Yard signs part of HRC mission

To the editor:

The New Ulm Human Rights Commission would like to respond to a letter by Lisa Fischer printed Tuesday, Aug. 31. In her letter, Lisa implies that the commission acted unethically by using taxpayer funds to finance yard signs for community members.

The commission is issued an annual budget approved by the city to use as the commission sees fit. Some things that have been financed in the past are educational speakers, the annual poster and essay contest prizes, entry fees for parades and fair booths, the annual Human Rights Commission Award, as well as educational materials available to the public. The signs fall into the latter category and work towards our mission of securing equal opportunity for all citizens in business, credit, education, employment, housing, public accommodation and public services.

All monies spent out of the HRC budget are approved at public meetings. This information, along with meeting agendas and minutes, has been and will continue to be available to the public.

The message on the signs Lisa referred to states, “If you want peace, work for justice” (not “No Peace, No Justice” as she claimed). This is a direct quote from Pope Paul VI from his statement at World Peace Day in 1972. It is a positive statement without political bias. It is hoped that all could agree peace and justice are important and worth striving for. Without justice, peace — as well as the above mentioned mission — are unattainable. We encourage everyone to work towards justice for all, and the yard signs are a reminder to do so.

The Human Rights Commission stands by the sentiment on the yard signs and the decision to use taxpayer money to fund them. If you would like a yard sign, please contact the Mayor’s office.

The New Ulm Human Rights Executive Committee

Wendi Ringhofer

Larry Czer

Dan Kalk

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