
Follow up to HRC letter

To the editor:

Thank you, Human Rights Commission, for your clarification.

The signs are a mantra that has been adopted and assumed by the left, just like “Make America Great Again” is automatically associated with the right. Just because it was first said by a neutral party does not mean it has remained neutral.

Also, not everyone cares for what the pope says.

Thank you for acknowledging that those signs ARE indeed paid for by the city of New Ulm taxpayers. That is what I wanted to bring to light because not all taxpayers read the minutes from every meeting that every commission New Ulm has.

I feel NU taxpayers need to GET INVOLVED and see where there money is being spent. Some of these commissions say they are non-partisan but when you start to do some digging of your own, you may find out otherwise.

It’s time to GET INVOLVED!

Lisa Fischer


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