Wake up, people!
To the editor:
In response to editorials on August 26 & 29 and other letters about wearing masks, WAKE UP PEOPLE! Lets get a few things straight. #1 – We still do live in a free country, not a communist country. #2 – We all were born with rights given to us by GOD. #3 – We have the right of choice, not being forced, to wear a mask, and choice to get a covid shot or not.
WAKE UP PEOPLE ! If masks work, where is the proof? This virus is so small (1000 parts would fit into the diameter of a human hair), it can get through any mask that people are wearing. You would need a hazmat suit to be protected! If this were a true pandemic, where are all the dead bodies? This is all about putting FEAR into all of us. As president Roosevelt said, “All we have to fear, is fear itself”
The CDC and AMA do not make laws, they only can recommend things to do. Follow the money and see who controls them.
WAKE UP PEOPLE and check it out yourself, I did.
Roger Bauer
New Ulm