
What now?

To the editor:

At least fifty five people took time out of their evening to attend the school board meeting on September 23, and many were planning to address the board. The room chosen for the meeting had a capacity of 49 if used as a classroom even though there were many more than that in attendance at last month’s meeting. As the room was set up, 20 of the 55+ were allowed in.

After signing up to speak, those who were allowed in the room were told that they could not speak because the subject they had chosen to address was not on the agenda. The matters of concern were the mask mandates, vaccines, and medical freedom, and how equity, diversity, and inclusion is going to impact our New Ulm educational system. These topics were not allowed, in spite of the fact that the publicly published agenda explicitly stated: “Individuals wishing to address the board regarding items NOT on the agenda will be recognized during the non-agenda portion of the meeting.”

What now? We will see whether the school board is willing to have a public dialogue about challenging matters that will greatly impact the education of ISD-88 children going forward. Do they want all parents and concerned citizens to have a say in the medical choices for their children and in how their children’s minds are molded by ideologies currently being introduced which are so pervasive? Do they want public input?

This is a pivotal point in our community’s history. Will the board allow public dialogue or will they take away the voice of those who are most closely connected with the welfare of the children in their care? We await with interest how the school board will proceed in the future and whether they will find a fair and equitable way for every member of our community to have a voice. What now, school board?

Mary Thom

New ULm

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