Our nation has become comfortable with corruption
To the editor:
Last night (Sept. 11) while most of us went about our business as usual, a dinner meeting was unrolling in Sleepy Eye – key players in our Republican Party.
Brad Finstad our Congressman, Michele Fischbach Congresswomen for the 7th district, Scott Jensen Governor Candidate, Gary Dahms, State Senator and Paul Torkelson, State Representative and wonderfully orchestrated by Roger Bauman – Thank you!
Having moved to New Ulm from just outside Washington DC, where I had come to the conclusion the Republicans were asleep, this was a significant surprise eyeopener. This group was on fire. Our Congressman Finstad brings a significant sense of sanity to our nations Capitol that has gone drunk with power. Brad, with roots in the farming of America’s Heartland brings reality to all the overinflated ego’s of a body made up primarily of lawyers who can as easily create loopholes as make law, and spend your tax dollars as freely as rain in a tropical storm. Honesty and integrity have probably become the rarest of virtues in our Nation’s Capitol.
The other highlight I would give is to Dr. Scott Jensen who has faced the wrath of the powers that be for exposing one of the evilest of scandals in our nation’s history. Minnesota, I beg you to the challenge to see that Dr. Jensen becomes the next governor of this great state.
Our nation has become comfortable with corruption:
I will revert to this quote from Adam Schiff on the Senate Floor during the first Impeachment Trial:
We can no longer rely on the American people
to make the right choice at the polls
Though Adam Schiff can believe whatever he wants this is a slap in the face to every American. A hard slap and a mean slap.
On multiple fronts the Democrats stole the nation and declared war on the rest of us, while our Republicans in Congress slept.
In addition, I will add the second biggest concern that no one is addressing. Who is running the government?
Clearly Joe Biden isn’t and why are the Republicans not getting to the bottom of this issue?
The Republican Party has been complacent — not only have laws been broken by their counterparts in government, but they have attacked the very fundamental basis of faith that is the very essence and foundation of our lives and through their laws make us in violation of the law with their perversions.
No politician should have ever touched the institution of marriage. Obama destroyed the most sacred human institution set in place since creation and honored through all the millennium and across almost every culture and belief system the world knows.
Many of us outside the beltway do not feel that we have a government of we the people and the checks and balance of power have been compromised by large amounts of money from Soros, Zuckerberg, and others as well as overseas and cleverly concealed as small donations divvied up from addresses illegally derived.
The acceptance of ballot harvesting has not been contested and now we are unfortunately seeing some Republicans stooping to this low instead of fighting to get to the roots of the problem. Having said that, most of us no longer believe that government will get to the roots of the problem and are too comfortable with the corruption.
Dan Moody
New Ulm