
No one has the right to kill another person

To the editor:

I am writing in reference to the syndicated columnist, Froma Harrop, who wrote an article entitled, “Republicans can’t do anything about the abortion issue”, printed in the New Ulm Journal on Nov. 15. On Nov. 22, Katie Dauer from Springfield wrote a rebuttal to that letter. I know it’s been several weeks since these letters were printed, but it needs to be addressed. It is worth your while to pull them up online and reread them. Katie Dauer did a bang up job setting Froma Harrop straight. Life begins at conception and no one has the right to kill another person.

Abortion minded women say, “My body my choice”. Those women already made their choice when they had intimate sexual relations with a man. Now…it becomes a responsibility for that woman and man to love and care for that baby created in the image and likeness of God.

Abortion has caused many women to bleed to death or become infertile. In the case of rape or incest, the answer is “Adoption”. These females have already experienced a tragic event, they don’t need to go through the torture of an abortion. Two wrongs don’t make a right.

Abortion is a traumatic experience for a mother. The baby’s skull is crushed and extracted. The limbs are pulled out, one at a time, while keeping some of the organs alive to sell on the market. Abortion also creates mental issues for the mother. No “Respect for Life”, which is absolutely granted to us in the 14th Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America.

It bears repeating, Katie Dauer did an excellent job explaining how the Republican’s “Promote Life”. The Democrats’ platform is to butcher those little babies, if they become an inconvenience to one’s lifestyle.

Remember pregnancy is not a “disease”, it is a “Gift”! Thanks be to God! Where would you be today, if your mother had not chosen life.

Jan Platz

New Ulm

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