Look at all the trouble she is in
To the editor:
America being invaded by illegal immigrants. Biden and Harris administration in 3 1/2 years and 14 million illegal immigrants invading the US border.
In the Trump administration Trump had the most secure border in his four-year term as president and the most secure border in American history. In Trump’s four-year term his inflation rate was 1and 1/2%. In the Biden and Harris administration in 3 1/2 years, inflation rate is from 10, 20, and sometimes 40%. In President Trumps four-year term he didn’t have one war started and he was thinking of ending the Afghan war. He didn’t get a second term as Biden won the election. Biden and Harris in their first term had a disastrous withdraw from Afghanistan.
Biden and Harris drew troops out first and left behind billions of dollars worth of equipment. Then was the start of the Russia invading Ukraine because Putin knew the Biden and Harris was a weak administration. The second war he got the U.S. into was on Oct. 7, 2023, when Hamas murdered and raped 1,200 people and took 200 hostages. That is the second war he got into because Biden and Harris administration had a weak foreign policy. Now we have what could turn into a third world war with Iran supported groups that all wanted to attack Israel. We have ships and aircraft carriers in the region and American soldiers and we are waiting to see what is going to happen.
I am going to write another letter to the editor on who and why I am voting the way I am. America is in deep trouble and now we need the American people to investigate the people who are running for president who we can make the best decision to make America Great Again. May God help us to make the right decision. This is my opinion and I’m sticking to it. Elderly MAGA gentleman from the Midwest who clings to his guns and religion.
Harvey Fruhwirth,
New Ulm