
Together we are better

To the editor:

This morning the sun turns the soft orange of morning to blue. That same sun shines on all of us. That is something we all have in common. Yet believe it or not, there is much more that we share, despite the well-orchestrated scripts using fear and division to stoke up incivility and retribution. Rich, poor, immigrant, native to this land, descendants of colonizers, citizens and non-citizens all love their children, feel their joy and suffering and want a safe world for them. Food, clothing, shelter, a way to make a contribution to family and community are indispensable for each one of us. Yet the calls for separation and isolation (or worse) for those who don’t fit a certain belief system are undermining the very sense of community and unity that we need so desperately in this moment and going forward.

Sometimes analogies are helpful. Imagine what would happen, if all the black keys on the piano were torn away. Countless beautiful divergent melodies and harmonies would never have been. The words of Pastor Carlos Rodriguez resonate, “The target is not Christians, it’s Christian Nationalism. The target is not men, it’s patriarchy. The target is not white people, it’s white supremacy. The target is not heterosexuals, it’s homophobia. Don’t take it personal, join the work and dismantle oppressive systems.” I hope and pray that this election moves us away from fear and separation, as we face the ups and downs our future holds. Together we are better.

Darwin Dyce


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