Voters came from right here
To the editor:
A day after the presidential election I watched a video of the panel at CNN discussing why or how the Democrats lost the election. One of the men on the panel totally frustrated whined “who raised these People? Where did these voters come from”? I could have told him those voters were mostly hard working Christian folks. “Those People”, Trump voters, are the ordinary folks in our society. They are the police, firemen, factory workers, construction workers, mechanics, truckers, farmers, dock workers, housewives, small business owners and others who do hard physical work and get their hands dirty.
The panelist described “those” men as stupid or have their heads in the sand. If they are white women they are uneducated. Then the panelist was mystified how Democrats lost the hispanic vote, while they allowed millions to flood towns on the southern border, while telling everyone it was secure. The over educated politicians and “journalists” never offered to feed or settle our newest immigrants into their neighborhoods. But they sure came up with a plan how to take millions from the rest of the population to do just that. We provide them with free meals, housing and medical attention.
“They” are sick of the politicians, government and upper crusters telling what they had to do to stop climate change while “they elite” built their starter castles and zoom around in their private jets. They are sick of the elites telling them they should pay college loans for thousands of kids after their kids worked hard to pay their own loans. They are sick of our government and school boards pushing their agenda into our schools, using new pronouns, coaxing to have paid sex changes and allowing real boys and men, pretending to be females, compete in women’s athletics.
They are sick of politicians using phrases “women’s health” as an obvious code for abortion at any stage of the baby’s development as just another birth control option at taxpayers expense.(Funded through Planned Parenthood). They are sick of the way our cities and states are overrun with high crime, gangs, looting and trashing small businesses, college campuses protesters shutting down major highways and bridges, mass store robberies, all of these with little or no punishment.
Finally,”those people’ are really sick of you fake journalists on CNN, MSMBC and The View who sit and wonder what happened.
Marlin Huiras
New Ulm