Finding our lightening bow symbol
To the editor:
A citizen’s perpetual learning has seen a movement of reclamation of values that have been under“Forced Removal”. The new flag placed at the East end of Sleepy Eye gives great hope. A Garrison Flag placed at the time of crisis can give great meaning at the crossroads of change. The reclamation of a Constitutional Republic over a corporate America since 1871, is that hope. The corporation as claimed, has it’s liberty and justice for a few, claimed by perpetual war and assassinations. Silent puppet masters have dumb-ed down the “We The People” to accept their premise.
The freedoms we thought were perpetual have been recognized by either fake food, fake news, fake currency, fake gender, fake genetics, fake diseases, fake meaning, fake wars, fake borders, fake voting, fake weather, and/or fake sympathy by a fake government. Once parallel towers of a parallel government were destroyed to be rebuilt as a tower of a “One World Tower”, then renamed as their “Freedom Tower”, we knew a landmark in time had happened. The Native American Warrior had a lightening bow staked to the ground and there he would accept his calling to die for the living. Perhaps the crossroads at the east end of Sleepy Eye is that symbol we need as our lightening bow statement to reclaim one nation under God with liberty and justice for all and an educational system of enlightenment instead pf appeasement, a currency of the precious, news of the truth, medicine for healing, real people, real republic, real weather, real food, real borders and a pledge of one citizen one vote of a sovereign citizen under a Sovereign real God.
John C. Kolbe
Sleepy Eye