
Blame the media, Democrats

To the editor:

The recent letter that Marlin Huiras wrote speaks volumes, telling us how out of touch with the real world the liberal media is today. They have no idea how the “American citizen” lives. As Marlin has pointed out, it isn’t just one segment of the country, but people from all walks of life.

And as he points out, why are we “taxpayers” giving one dime to support Planned Parenthood, an organization that promotes abortion, yet organizations such as “First Choice Pregnancy Services” of New Ulm that promotes life receives nothing in grants and survives only on donations. There used to be a program to help them, but when the Democrats took control, they changed it so they had to include counseling for abortion. “This is not what they are about and declined the funding on Principal. They should be proud of themselves.

To the subject of climate change, we are spending trillions of dollars to stop the warming of the planet, yet will reduce the temperature by about one degree Fahrenheit. It will cost trillions of dollars lost in our economy. The “Good Lord” gave to us the resources in fossil fuels to feed the nation and to feed and support the world. Energy drives the economy. If some of you want these things, fine, but let free will and competition determine what everyone desires. The climate studies have been compromised to fit what some of the elite want them to look like and adhere to their edicts. There is a book called ” Hot Tongue and Cold Science” that gives a thorough explanation for this.

I hope and pray that people will take heart to Marlin’s eye opening letter. The “Good Lord” has blessed this nation from the beginning and I believe he will continue to do so.

Fred and Jan Lenz

New Ulm

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