Another successful Hockey Day in New Ulm
To the Editor:
Sending out words of both congrats and thanks to the NUSE Board Members and countless volunteers, sponsors, and families who put on another successful Hockey Day in New Ulm this past Saturday at the Civic Center.
Continuing the trend, this year’s event outdid the past year- something that is becoming more and more difficult to do. We would be remiss to not include both NUSE Board President Justin Remus and NUSE Marketing Director Matt Wenninger for the hours put into make the event as successful as ever.
The Civic Center was packed from the get-go until the autograph session after 9pm. While the Board members were an integral part in making the day run, the parent volunteers manning the info table, silent auctions, apparel store, concessions were as key to keeping it run as smooth as it did. Even if a parent wasn’t “on duty” many were available to lend a hand to visiting families. The Civic Center staff did a great job in making the place shine. Parents, relatives, friends, and hockey fans who may have not even had an Eagle on the ice Saturday, but just love the game and togetherness that hockey brings in our community- a thank you goes out to you all as well. Another big thank you goes out to our coaches- you had our teams well-prepared to showcase the talent our association possesses.
As for the players- this day is about you more than anything, and a huge thank you goes out to all from 8U to the High School teams for playing hard and representing the New Ulm and Sleepy Eye communities so well.
This is a hallmark event for our association year to year- a catalyst for why we are hosting the Bantam AA State Tournament in March- we have a great facility and great people part of the association.
Go Eagles! -NUHS Boys and Girls Hockey Coaching Staffs
New Ulm
Geoff Torzewski