
The public being led astray by Big Pharma,insurance companies

To the editor:

Insurance ads are ridiculous and obnoxious and all carriers advertise on every cable channel day and night which has to cost a lot of money. Why spend a fortune doing this? Is it for a tax write-off? All these companies turn around and raise all insurance premiums greatly again and why? The average person is struggling to survive with all the high costs of living re everything and now another blow from “rich” insurance companies?

Most disgusting are the pharma companies who seem to put another new drug on the market each week. They, too, advertise several drugs within one hour of TV viewing on all cable channels, spending millions to do so, so now the cost of such drugs has escalated even more. Sadly, every drug is a potential killer with a long list of side effects per drug just to treat something on the minor side, not to mention major issues, so the effects can lead to suicide, stroke, heart attack and may even cause death, says the ad. Why would anyone take this poison that costs a lot only to suffer consequences that are drastic?

Pharma, create natural products to truly help people rather than chemical garbage to kill them. Obviously, your “God” is the almighty dollar so you create drugs that don’t work well so you cash-in on billions. The public is being led astray on many levels.

Karen Kettner

Sleepy Eye

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