Protect all the children
To the Editor:
In Thursday’s New Ulm Journal (Feb. 20), “Grandparents Pride 2025” it shows the wonders of “God’s Creation to All”. “look at all the beautiful children.”These little ones are the pride and joy of Parents, Grandparents, and Great Grandparents. This is a compliment to The Oak Ridge Boy’s, Bill Golden’s “Thank God for Kids”. A phrase that stands out in that is “The closest thing to Heaven is a Child.” Let us never forget, the “Good Lord” gives life and we as Parents, Grandparents, and Great Grandparents are there to enjoy and love them and help them grow. They are our future adult citizens and leaders.
How better to show to the public the results of “Pro-Life” in the community of New Ulm and surrounding areas. May the Good Lord bless them and keep them forever. We ask that all of you stay in touch with your state representatives and state senators to stop abortion from being codified into the Minnesota Constitution. Allowing abortion up until birth, without saving the life of a baby born alive from a botched abortion is horrible. We have help available for all women that needs help or counseling and to care for them and to save the unborn babies. Look to “First Choice Pregnancy Services” here in New Ulm and other places in Minnesota for help with their concerns.
There used to be grant monies to help organizations such as “First Choice Pregnancy Services”. When in the last Minnesota State Government session, controlled by the Democrat Party, they added a mandate that they had to include abortion counseling. “Out of principal”, First Choice Pregnancy Services and others, turned that money down. We are proud of them. Today they operate solely on donations. Yet our Government uses our tax dollars to fund Planned Parenthood, an organization that pushes women to abortion and sells their body parts. We ask Why? May the “Good Lord” bless all the children and all who are there to support and love and care for them.
Fred and Jan Lenz
New Ulm