
No reason for politicians to reinvent the wheel

To the editor:

Why do our national politicians keep trying to reinvent the wheel? In 1997 a Republican Congress created the Balanced Budget Act. It was signed into Law by the president at the time. In 1999 our Country had a balanced budget and a surplus. We all had to bite the bullet for a year but then the rebate checks after that were nice. The director of each department was given a budget and told to make it work. There was fraud and waste, the days of suppliers overpricing material to be sold to the Military, $25 hammers for $130. $300 doors for $800. Each department head had the responsibility to police their people. The template is there to do it again.

Instead we have Mr. Musk coming in and firing people from the FAA, IRS, USAID, VA and Disease Control. Then realizing some of those employees were essential so he had to hire them back. Do they really have a plan?

Two old sayings come to mind. Measure Twice and Cut Once, Make sure it is right before you cut or you waste material and your time. The other is, Penny Wise and Dollar Foolish, they are cutting workers that add up to mere pennies in our National Budget when they should be reviewing the billion dollar contracts with countries, companies and the States.

Congress and the Senate should all have their wages and benefits froze until we get a balanced budget. We can all agree that we do not have the Cream of the Crop in the Capital right now. On either side of the Isle.

It baffles me that during the election Mr. Trump would call his opponents Socialists and Communists and many other names, but yet he likes Communists.

Americans help those in need. Living your faith is helping others. Our Lord tells us, What you do for the least of these you do for Me. We should be loyal to our friends and neighbors in need.

President Trump does not know the definition of loyalty.

Wheres The Fish?

Nikki Haley is looking better every day.

Lester Werner


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