

Let’s accept all kids

To the editor: As a former teacher in the New Ulm School District, I worked really hard to make sure all kids were welcomed into my classroom. No matter the student’s race, gender, religion, or political beliefs, I tried to make sure each kid felt safe and ready to learn. Whether the ...


To the editor: President Biden has issued the ultimatum. Get vaccinated, OR ELSE. My letter to the editor in early June wondered when the soft gloves would come off. Your “Our View“ on 9-10-21 headlines “Biden taking gloves off in COVID battle.” Your view suggests we are in a war ...

Make a $10,000 difference for $100!

To the editor: I’m excited to introduce a new community organization: 100 Women Who Care New Ulm Area. Two times a year 100+ women from the area gather to benefit local non-profits with a $10,000 gift ($100 from each). Members nominate their favorite local charity. Three nominations are ...

Vote for USA Radio

To the editor: For the past several months, KNUJ has used USA Radio for their national news service. It was a breath of fresh air compared to the cookie-cutter dogma we are inundated with by the mainstream networks. They have recently switched to CBS. Please contact KNUJ at 1-800-444-5685 and ...

Witcover’s column fallacies

To the editor: Jules Witcover’s article, “Why do Republicans fear the insurrection inquiry?” which ran in the Sept. 7 edition of The Journal, poses its titular question rhetorically. However, although Mr. Witcover attempts to answer that question with a resounding “No good reason!” ...

A peaceful resolution

To the editor: The letter of Mary Kluge in the Aug. 30th Journal is very much appreciated. I do see that the authors I quoted had done some abbreviating, and I grant that it would have been better if they had not done so in this case. R.E. Wehrwein New Ulm