

Pregnancy Pandemic

To the editor: Great news! The Texas “Abortion Ban” was approved by the Supreme Court last week by a vote of 5 to 4. The ban prevents abortions performed after 6 weeks of gestation, because the baby’s heartbeat can then be clearly detected. Actually, the baby’s heartbeat, in many ...

Response to ‘Wake up, people!’

To the editor: Regarding the Sept. 3 letter, “Wake up, people,” from Roger Bauer, I’ll deal with his second point first. He states that masks provide no protection. Here’s a link to an article that does a very nice job explaining why that’s not true. ...

We have choices

To the editor: Most will agree with a recent letter writer regarding his statements about “living in a free country and that we don’t live in a communist country.” However, before promoting his anti-mask and anti-vaccine choices, perhaps he should visit with some of the COVID survivors ...

COVID losses are real

To the editor: As the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attack which claimed 2,605 American lives draws near, I wonder if The Journal would publish a letter by someone claiming that these horrific events didn’t happen? Would it publish a letter from someone who asked, “where are all ...

Follow up to HRC letter

To the editor: Thank you, Human Rights Commission, for your clarification. The signs are a mantra that has been adopted and assumed by the left, just like “Make America Great Again” is automatically associated with the right. Just because it was first said by a neutral party does not ...

Wake up, people!

To the editor: In response to editorials on August 26 & 29 and other letters about wearing masks, WAKE UP PEOPLE! Lets get a few things straight. #1 - We still do live in a free country, not a communist country. #2 - We all were born with rights given to us by GOD. #3 - We have the right ...