

We are still free, right? To mask or not

To the editor: I am writing this letter about facemasks in school and the covid EUA drug. There are two sides to these topics. The most publicized one is everyone has to wear a mask to stop this virus and everyone has to take the shot. These arguments are based on what the experts opinions ...

Freedom of CHOICE for masks in school

To the editor: I understand the local school board has difficult decisions to make, but should they really be difficult? These are our family and friends that WE elected and voted for to be OUR voice. Has the local school board asked the parents what they want regarding masks in school? It ...

Another war in another world

To the editor: For those of us who were part of the in country - on the ground,(with the people) American forces in what was called “America’s longest war” can recollect the “Kick in the Gut” emotions as the collapse of Vietnam went to the Russian backed Socialists. We had ...

Masks in school

To the editor: As we approach another school year in a pandemic, the job of our local school boards is difficult. Their willingness to assure that youth in our community get a high quality education as well as enrichment activities even during a pandemic is very important to our ...

Demand a forensic audit of our votes

To the editor: The Democrats were seen everywhere in the media just a few short years ago after the 2016 presidential election claiming foreign interference in the election, including US Senator Amy Klobuchar. What did the Democrats do to ensure that the 2020 election was the most honest ...

What NPR actually said

To the editor: We are writing to correct errors presented in R.E. Wehrwein’s letter published in the Aug. 19, 2021 issue of The Journal regarding National Public Radio. He or the source from which he obtained his information did some selective editing. He stated “NPR breathlessly noted ...