To the editor:
Is NPR reliable? One letter has said yes. Another has said no. Here is a pertinent quotation:
“NPR was caught publishing totally different narratives about COVID-19 the day before and the day after Biden’s inauguration. The final day of the Trump presidency, NPR ...
To the editor:
Last week as I sat watching my three young daughters chase fireflies, my college best friend was working an emergency room shift she wasn’t scheduled for. She should have been home with her own daughters two hours prior, but instead she was on an endless hold with any area ...
To the editor:
I was really disappointed in the article headlining the Wednesday edition covering the death of our former mayor Red Wyczawski. Was it really necessary to include the unfortunate details of his charges for shoplifting? I had the privilege of knowing and working with Red for ...
To the editor:
I was so sorry to see the passing of one of New Ulm’s finest gentlemen, Carl “Red” Wyczawski. To Jim Bastian, what a fine tribute to this person who devoted most of his life to the city of New Ulm. Red was truly one of our city’s finest, and I’m sure can never be ...
To the editor:
We’re living in the age of COVID and the new variant, Delta, is surging. What’s more important for all of us at this point? Is it freedom or our health? Avoiding the vaccine and not wearing a mask or trying to keep our population safe before the virus turns really nasty ...
To the editor:
In 2014 they put a new boat landing in Minnecon Park. The river is at a low point for this time of year. The boat landing is full of mud out past the water edge. When you pull your boat out you have to clean your trailer up. To the Park Department, it is time to clean it out ...