I just bought my first two ferrets, and while they are adorable little scamps, I don’t know how to potty train them. The lady at the pet store said they can easily be litter-trained. My question is, how? -- Noah K., Albuquerque, New Mexico
Noah, I used to own a couple of ferrets, and they ...
Dear Annie: My wife is an alcoholic. I wrote the letter below to myself really. I was wondering if you would publish it, in hopes that it might help someone who is afflicted with alcoholism, or perhaps let a family member who is engulfed by it, know that they are not alone in their ...
To the editor:
A few decades ago, I read about the prophesy the Blessed Virgin gave to Sister Agnes Katsuko Sasagawa on Oct.13, 1973 in Akita, Japan. Parts of it said: “…if men do not repent and better themselves, the Father will inflict a terrible punishment on all humanity.” “…. ...
that it was too late to send cards to our sailors and troops for Christmas. How’s about a little advance planning! Valentine’s Day is only about four weeks away. How can readers send cards to troops in celebration of that holiday? -- Steve, USAF (retired)
Dear Steve: This is a great idea. ...
Dear Heloise: After a recent bout of COVID and a subsequent disinfecting of my main bathroom, I removed the drain plug from my bathroom sink, ran an old bottle brush down the drain and cleaned the plug stem itself. This is a disgusting project, but an important one once you see what is lurking ...
Dear Heloise: I’d like to dispel the myth that you can pour grease down your drain as long as you are running hot water at the same time. If you want to avoid a backed-up drain and an expensive nightmare of a costly bill, never pour grease or oil down your kitchen drain or garbage disposal. ...