

Other solutions to a potential stalker


Dear Readers: A number of you wrote in in response to “Tired of Being Scared at Work and at Home,” about the 26-year-old woman who was struggling with how to handle a co-worker she suspects of stalking her. Below are some of your helpful insights. Dear Annie: Your answer to “Tired of ...

Ready for change?


To the editor: In a recent article entitled “Equity: Are We Ready for Change?” the Journal reported on an equity “training” sponsored by the New Ulm Human Rights Commission (HRC). According to the article, the event highlighted two facts: 1) in coming years, the percentage of ...

Don’t forget to check the manual


Dear Heloise: I thought you should know that I just bought a new range with a convection oven (an LG), and the manual specifically cautions not to put foil in the bottom for spills, as it will interfere with the heating and damage the surface. Thank you for all your great advice! -- Dick ...

At a crossroads in retirement


Dear Annie: I have three kids and four bonus kids. They are all adults and living great lives. Most of them live in the same city as my husband and me. We want to downsize and move to a quieter town, but I don’t want to move far away from them. I like the connection of them coming for the ...

‘Ooga-chaka ooga-ooga’ — thinking about Valentine’s Day


Valentine’s Day — the national holiday that commonly involves expressing heartfelt sentiments with heart-shaped boxes of chocolates — is upon us. Finding a fitting Valentine gift for your Significant Other can be problematic if you have been in a relationship for a long time. It’s ...

Conserve water when showering


Dear Heloise: I read the letter someone sent you recently about saving water while brushing your teeth. It was a good idea, but there’s an even better one. Until I was about 14 or 15, we only had a bathtub. Dad finally put in a shower and a water softener. When I would let the water run ...