To the editor:
The shutting down of coal, gas and nuclear power plants here in Minnesota and across the country are putting the citizens in future danger, especially with weather like we are experiencing. It’s become obvious after many years of experience that the solar panels and ...
Dear Heloise: I just read a hint in a recent column about using restraints on a dog while they’re in the car. Here is another good reason to do this. Many years ago, a friend of ours was driving with her mother, and their little dog was in the backseat. The dog suddenly leaped over onto her ...
Dear Annie: I am a 26-year-old woman and recently graduated college with my bachelor’s in May 2023. I searched for a long time before finding a job, and I ended up finding a position in a place I never expected to. Skills from my major do come into use regularly but it’s not what I went to ...
To the editor:
I read the Jan. 11 issue of The Journal with special interest in the new Highway 14 story. Near the end of the article I couldn’t help but laugh out loud. Reference was made to the DNR/MnDOT project to install a single 10x8 (or10x9, but who cares?) foot box culvert instead of ...
Dear Heloise: We received a box of chocolates as a gift, but when we opened the box, we noticed there was a whitish substance on the chocolate that looked like mold. This was expensive chocolate, so I hate to throw it out. Can I just scrape the white stuff off, or does it need to be tossed in ...
Dear Annie: I have always wanted to meet a man and be married. I am now 58 years old. Is it too late for me?
Some people say it is a choice, but I have not found anyone interesting, and during Covid I have been isolated. So I plan on getting out and meeting people now that it is safe.
I ...