GETTING TO KNOW Marcus Martinez
Sleepy Eye H.S., Sr.
Interview conducted
by Travis Rosenau
Marcus Martinez, senior pitcher for the Sleepy Eye baseball team, pitched a complete-game effort and allowed just one run with five strikeouts in a Tomahawk Conference win over New Ulm Cathedral this past Monday
in Sleepy Eye.
Q: What is your
favorite movie?
A: Avatar. The blue people
on the island of Pandora,
great movie.
Q: What is your
favorite food?
A: Anything Chinese. Chinese food is fantastic.
Q: What is your favorite band/musical artist?
A: Kind of controversial, but I like Kanye West. I love
his albums.
Q: What is a hobby of yours outside of sports?
A: I know I’m not very good at this, but I love doing it, building Legos.
Q: What is your
favorite animal?
A: Capybara. It’s the largest rodent of them all.