
Wabasso knocked off in 3A playoffs by RCW

WABASSO — The fourth-seeded Wabasso Rabbits were defeated by fifth-seeded Renville County West on Friday night in the Section 3A, North Subsection Volleyball Tournament, falling 25-23, 25-20, 23-25, 25-23.

Alivia Olson led the Rabbits in their season-ender with 16 kills, 13 digs, two aces and a block, while Leah Mathiowetz had nine kills and Carly Fenger had eight kills and four blocks. Audrey Johnson added 13 digs and two ace serves, while Sara Carlson had 38 set assists and two aces and Camryn Irlbeck had three blocks.

The Rabbits finish their season 19-10 overall, while MCW will take on No. 1 Minneota next on Tuesday at Southwest Minnesota State University.


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